E-Books and Articles

Basic and Further Information on Environmentalism - Environmentalism is the most important realistic consideration while we live safe lives
An Adapting Plan for Marketing of Environment Frie - Making a beautiful world means assisting the good...
Creating a Better World, betterment, safety in all - ideas and plans for a better world ES SW HI CN
A plan for a versatile worker and equipment owner - a rural community with versatile worker managing his properties part of it, and able to travel ES SW HI CN
The Good Endeavorous Free Beings principles/ideas - ideas about people who do good and help things ES SW HI CN
Lengthening Life of Complex Organisms - some ideas about increasing length of life, biological and social methods
Humane Livestock - Humane Livestock
Ideas for Chosen Overseer - some ideas for good overseeing of another
Ideals for Growth Political Party - .. foundational ideas
Some Basic Principles For Allowed Human Existence - .. Some Primary Points
Kind Action Outline - Of Virtuous Living - Good Ways to Act in Public and With Others...
Wellness, Fitness, and You - an entire-body health 35 page e-book by a third party
Clearer Thoughts for More Productivity - ... having a great memory can give us many advantages in our daily activities
Vegetarians Recipes - ... many recipes of different kinds of meals and servings
Efficient Use of Resources in Daily Living - making the most of what's available and being healthy
Brief Introduction to Gardening - ... some initial tips and thoughts about gardening
Minimal Energy-Consumption Recycling - ... brief introduction
A plan for worldwide helpful institutions - furthering endeavorous good beings and the planet
Environment Friendly Economy - economy relevant to the good world
Environment Friendly Economy - details of an economy relevant to the good world
Commerce of Mostly Natural Area Transititioning to - Merits and profitability of a rural region transferring from previously primary natural raw material usage industries to more environment friendly industries
Good Thoughts for Ones Improving - Being a good person...
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