Environment Friendly System of Economy A baseline of a natural environment is the planet which utilizes it's movement and position, relevant to other space componenents and with itself, the natural creation of its characteristics and life. A secondary benefit of this is its ability for its inhabitants good beings to have a positive natural reaction with extraterrestrial components and beings. Life, beings, and acts on this planet, their livelyhood and work, are best done with positivity of natural events, other good beings local and remote. Physics has determined the best hypothesis of creation from a certain tim, of our universe, and that which has brought the opportunity for good life is the best starting point, whether it's been really step 1, or it's step 2. An economy, which is designed to be a fair and good natural system of additional work done by beings, and repayment for this, is best when closely connected to these principles. Purely good life, asserted by the honesty of its being and work, locally and remote, is inline with an economy that is a spectre of this. The elimination of unnecessary costs and accounting, remediation of error including waste and hindered good being, is exact and promotes both the good known and unknown. Work and payment based on acts containing good emotion, and respect for good beings, and all components of an economy are relevant, simplified, and perfect in this philosophy. The simple language which is good and promotes that of the physical and unknown good carries the world to a good future. Its practice is what should be done and ignores anything else. The education of and unfaltered practice of that brings all not at the apex of being to such, and a contributor to this.