A plan for rural community with versatile worker managing his properties and able to travel to outside distances -requirements for local would be sufficient land and equipment for training, innovation, fabrication, and agricultire -position of land parcels for this would be slightly separated -intents include keeping population density that of a rural area, improving as naturally as possible what is already there and salvaging what has gone into disuse. this may include inproving nutrition of current nature and improvement of terrain for both nature and activities,demolishing but salving materials and creating a natural terrain, restoring agricultural areas that have gone into use instead of plowing natural areas, creation of natural food growth areas for natural farming when feasible and becomes more advances, replacement of some natural plant with more advanced plants -sufficient local transportation, boroadcasting equipment, and when necessary, ability to travel far distances -some proposed ideas include vegetarianism, facilitating the intellectual advancement of animals, and a desire to promote good life and improvement