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About this site and app founder/developer:

Hey, my name is Brit Steele, and I decided about a year ago to develop a mobile app to assist people in elevating their life accomplish and experience all that it can bring. This includes learning, healing, and achieving.

I'm continuing to learn and understand experiences in life. When I was about 19, my daughter passed away. She was about 9 months old. I had combined feelings of sadness of what she had gone through and that she was not still living. I had additional realizations that I would have to deal with the fact of what I believed was done to her by her mom, who was by then in prison for the acts, and my own feelings of guilt that I was not a perfect boyfriend and father.

The initial greatest feeling after my daughter passed away, which was numbness, was followed a near inability to recognize what happened to my daughter, and the fact that I did not have her in my life anymore. Then there were feelings of very substantial sadness. Especially when time came that I would have normally picked my daughter up to take care of her. I felt a lot of varying emotions around the time my daughter's mother was going to prison, including some anger due to both her in-difference at what she would go to prison for, and for her deceitful and untrue statements about me.

I ignored a substantial amount of anger about that, and I feel, even more anger about the basic fact that my daughter was a beautiful girl who wanted to and deserved to live. I ignored these feelings by diverting much of my attention from specific and true human emotions, and additionally, what would be considered normal self-growth, because of what I feel is an acceptable coping mechanism to live through what would have potentially been nearly uncomprehensible to get through. I am so glad to be alive, and now understand my various emotional diversions, including drugs, alchohol, and relatively quick/unfulfulling to a growthful and happy type of life, type of relationships with others. They were my emotional way of handling both what happened in my life previously, and who I was at that time in the mostly, emotional capacity. I believe everyone who goes through living after such an event has to find their own and most sufficient way heal, learn, and grow, to both living and ascend their lives to be happy and make the most of what is to be ahead. I hope for someone, dealing with such a phase in life, to avoid harmful events and difficulties, while experiencing and learning what is necessary to live, grow, succeed, and be happy in life.

I feel at this point my basic help for someone facing this is to bring some helpful thoughts, and this site an app platform to be a part of your living, learning, healing, succeeding, and being happy, to experience all that life is in the years and days to come.
I'm hoping that communicating, with people with some thoughtful understanding, and any positive utilization of helpful thoughts and acts available to you assist you in experiencing and enjoying life.

Site Main Menu maybe poetry, talking, stories, pretty nature pictures, nice music, healthy food, fun and healthy activities, helpful and enjoyable learning, and more!

Brit Steele